
Por qué los hombres no entendemos a las mujeres, traducción al inglés

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Why don’t we understand women? This question, framed by males, seeks to come up with an answer to this eternal female mystery.
Throughout his pages, Guillermo Vilaseca places all his expertise at the service of this enterprise. And in so doing, he raises a new question: is there also a mystery vested in men which awaits and deserves to be disclosed? Through life stories, scenes of a couple’s daily life – real or taken from fiction, literature and movies – conflicting conversations and some autobiographical brushstrokes, he invites men – as well as women – to step out of the shoes of victims and into those of protagonists, creators, who are not satisfied with merely repeating arguments and inherited attitudes.
Old role models haven´t been overcome; new ones are yet to be consolidated; meanwhile, men and women tend to become contestants in a more or less explicit “war of the sexes”. Why don’t we understand women? offers both sides a negotiating table on which to further encounter.

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